The TU Wien Space Team is organising its annual project presentations for our sponsors, partners, and anyone interested in our activities!
We will be presenting the newest exhibition item of the Museum of Technology Vienna, the Lunar Landing Module 1 created by the TU Wien Space Team and the PTScientists. One can also expect exciting presentations with emphasis on aerospace engineering, updates on our current projects, and our cooperation with the Team of the University Würzburg.
Time Table
17:00-18:00 o’clock Viewing of the Lunar Landers
18:00-20:00 o’clock Presentations
20:00-21:00 o’clock Get-together
Update: At the moment there are no free tickets available. You are a student and want to win one of the last Tickets for the Space Event? Participate in our quiz!
Place: Museum of Technology, Mariahilfer Str. 212, 1140 Vienna
Date: Tuesday, 16th May 2017, as off 17:00 o’clock
We are happy to announce our speakers Werner Gruber and Inês Plácido at the Space Event.
Werner Gruber
The physicist Werner Gruber ist the director of the “Planetariums Wien der Kuffner- und Urania-Sternwarte”. He is also a lecturer at the Institute of Experimental Physics at the University of Vienna.
Werner Gruber is best known as a member of “Sciencebusters”, a TV Schow on ORF about explaining science.(Source:
At the Space Event, Werner Gruber will be talking about Warp-Drive.
Inês Plácido (ESA Business Incubation Centre Austria)

Since its founding in 2016, ESA BIC Austria is supporting a part of the Europe wide BIC Network, managed by Science Park Graz with close partnership with “accent Gründerservice High-Tech Unternehmen”.
With more than 10 years experience with business incubation, Science Park Granz and accent have led more than 200 Technology and Innovationprojects.
Inês Plácido is manager at ESA BIC Austria and will be talking about “Space Startups in Austria”.
We are looking forward to everyone coming!