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DISCO One on its way to space

In the past few weeks and months we have worked diligently on various topics, so DISCO One – our current CubeSat project – is taking shape. Since a few weeks there is a 3D printed model of our CubeSats available, furthermore it was worked on various software topics. Also the hardware of the different submodules is under investigation. At moment the communication module and the Electrical Power System (EPS) module are maintained and investigated.

Photos of the 3D printed model

ESA – Fly Your Satellite!

In addition, the team is currently busy applying for the third edition of ESA’s “Fly Your Satellite!” program. In this program, student teams from all ESA member states can apply. After successful completion, test environments and ESA facilities will be available to the respective teams. In addition, there will be various trainings and workshops in which the teams can deepen their knowledge of CubeSats and thus refine the individual CubeSat projects. Another great advantage is that there are direct contact person within the ESA staff.

At the moment we are busy creating and editing the required documents. From the very general “terms and conditions” to orbit simulations, a wide range of topics are to be thought through and documented.

From September/October there will be regular updates to DISCO One – so stay tuned!
