Flight hardware of all modules developed by Space Team (OBC, EPS, BottomPanel, GPS-Adapter) except the ScienceAdapter were manufactured and tested successfully. EPS, OBC, GPS-Adapter and BottomPanel were delivered to FH Wiener Neustadt to ensure development and testing is done with the latest hardware. Flight Hardware was integrated into the longtime-test procedures of Space Team. Two flatbed setups are evaluated permanently with new software updates.
Powersafe modes were introduced and proven to be operational. Idle power reduction as well as ultra low power modes for the OBC were implemented. Sensor readout was simplified in order to dynamically scale the sampling frequencies. A hardware-supported safe modem, which provides a low level error handling of the OBC, is available now and supports the error handling and recovery from single event upsets. Triple modular redundancy storage for configuration and backup data was fully implemented and ensures a proper configuration of the OBC after a reset. A radiation tolerant, external watchdog which monitors the main-controller’s functionality and the integrity of its program memory, was tested successfully. Reprogramming from a radiation tolerant storage
device can be initiated by this watchdog and therefore unburdens the OBC from complex error correction methods. Long term test with an operational GPS modul verified the functionality of the OBC’s RTC module and the synchronization methods. A simple state machine was implemented to test startup and initialization sequences.
More Information: http://spaceteam.at/cubesat/