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Home » We worked 3 years for 8 seconds of pure adrenaline.

We worked 3 years for 8 seconds of pure adrenaline.

TS03-24kN “Franz”: We celebrate the maiden hot fire test of our mobile rocket engine test facility “Franz”. Since 2020, countless hours have been spent designing and building this beast of a test stand. Designed to facilitate the use of different oxidizer and fuel combinations – even hybrid engines – and a maximum thrust capacity of 24 Kilonewtons (ready to go orbital, cheers Rocket Lab), it is not only a significant achievement for our team and the aerospace sector in Austria, but sets a new benchmark for all European and almost all international student rocketry teams. The recent hot fire test had a duration of 8 seconds and produced thrust at approximately 8kN. Further data has yet to be evaluated. It is the end of an era in our team and a new beginning for greater developments. This test is a statement on what motivated and passionate students are capable of and the genuine value of student associations like the TU Wien Space Team, creating a breeding ground for fresh ideas. This short teaser is an attempt to share the feeling of actually seeing our hard work coming to fruition, and the sheer power of 8 Kilonewtons of thrust produced by a prototype engine with a novel injector design.

We want to thank all of our sponsors for their lasting support! TU Wien, BMK, FFG, B&C Privatstiftung, Bitmovin, ANSYS, Beyond Gravity, Schiebel, AUSTROSPACE, EFS Consulting, T-Systems, HP, Berndorf AG, AGI, Pongratz Trailer Group

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