As announced in the last blogpost on 27.1.2022, we are part of the project “This is (not) rocket science!”, which is led by the Vienna Museum of Technology. The goal of this “Sparkling Science” project is to bring the topic of space, as well as space technologies, closer to children and young people. Together with other partners, we planned and implemented an exciting program for kindergartens, NMS and high schools during the past school year.
Throughout the early summer, we were visited by several classes at our HQ, where we began by introducing the children and young people to the TU Vienna Space Team and also offered a guided tour of our facilities. We are very pleased that this was always an exciting experience for all participants to see live where and how our rockets and CubeSats are developed and also manufactured.
In order to make the topic of satellite communication available to a wide audience, we are honored to have been able to install another SatNOGS antenna on the roof of the Technical Museum. At the moment we are still working on the final integration, so that we will soon be able to receive data from space with this antenna. The long term goal is to display data then in the Technical Museum.

At the end of the school year the crowning conclusion of the first year took place in the Technical Museum, where we could present our CubeSat mission “SpaceTeamSat1”, as well as our liquid engine and the rocket belonging to it to children and young people in smaller groups. We were really enthusiastic about the questions as well as comments from the children and young people and could see that already in the first year of this project a lot of knowledge in the field of space could be imparted to the schools.

We are now looking forward to the next school year and are already planning new exciting projects for the children and young people.