cansat competition
Austria launches rockets as well! During the CanSat competition student teams aged between 14 and 18 develop “satellites” the size of a tin can (CanSats). Space Team flies the CanSats to an altitude of 500 m in an especially developed rocket and ejects them. Over the course of the parachute-secured descent the CanSats conduct measurements and complete other tasks to achieve the goal of their individual experiment. The winners get a ticket to ESA’s international CanSat competition.
The CanSat competition is organised by ESERO Austria, with the Space Team taking on the role of technical supporter for the 6th time this year. Our main task is among many supplying a rocket and organizing the launch. Further information about the competition can be found on the official page.

CanSat austria finals 2023
cansat austria finals 2021
cansat austria finals 2018

CanSat Austria has so far taken place in 2017/18, 18/19, 20/21, 21/22 and 22/23 with the help of the Space Team.