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TU Wien

Space team


AcrossAustria wants to cross Austria with a self-developed, autonomous hydrogen drone to demonstrate key technologies for the aviation of the future.

Lamarr is developing a liquid-propellant rocket fuelled by LOX (liquid oxygen) and ethanol, which is expected to reach a flight altitude of 9 km. This is made possible by a minimalist design optimised for lightweight construction, which builds on the success of the predecessor project µHoubolt.

SpaceTeamSat1 (STS1) is the Space Team’s current CubeSat mission. The aim of STS1 is to develop a micro-satellite for educational purposes for AHS and BHS and to operate it in orbit.

our motto

TO boldly Go where no student has gone before

With interdisciplinary, self-organised teams, rapid prototyping and a hands-on mentality, the Space Team aims to achieve things that others would hardly have thought possible. The TU Wien Space Team is an association of 100 students who are passionate about realising aerospace projects in their free time and have already achieved numerous successes over the past 14 years.

group photo at the general assembly 2025

CanSat is a technical partner of the ESA CanSat Austria Challenge and organises a rocket launch in Austria every year to enable students to carry out a simulated space probe experiment.

The Hound has built a two-stage solid-fuel rocket to break the European altitude record for student teams and perhaps even reach space in the process.

A large number of completed projects can be found here on the resources page.